Fetch A Player WTN Rating

Fetch A Player WTN Rating


You can lookup a USTA player WTN rating given a USTA uaid. API will provide latest single and double wtn rating available.


This API can be called to fetch WTN rating for one or more UAID’s with a limit of 128 maximum UAID’s per request.


Production: POST https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/wtn Stage: POST https://stage-api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/wtn


{ "uaids":[ "2018601439" ] }


One player play history is returned per call.

{ "ratings": [ { "uaid": "2874747744", "tennisID": "TEST5176745", "wtn": [ { "confidence": 100, "ratingDate": "2024-04-10", "tennisNumber": 9.9, "type": "SINGLE", "gameZoneUpper": 8.17, "gameZoneLower": 11.64, "source": "MATCHUPS", "lastPlayed": "2024-03-24", "updatedAt": "2024-04-10T15:43:23.225496Z" }, { "confidence": 70, "ratingDate": "2024-04-10", "tennisNumber": 11.63, "type": "DOUBLE", "gameZoneUpper": 9.84, "gameZoneLower": 13.41, "source": "MATCHUPS", "lastPlayed": "2024-03-31", "updatedAt": "2024-04-10T15:45:51.071731Z" } ] } ] }

Sample Curl

You must first retrieve an access token using Bound or Unbound method. See https://ustadigital.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/1001095380 for more on how to request a token.

The following is a sample curl to retrieve a player membership status.


--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW...

specifies the token that you retrieved using the https://account-ustaconnect.usta.com/oauth2/token endpoint.

curl --location 'https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/wtn' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW... --data '{ "uaids":[ "2018601439" ] }'


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