Quick Reference: World Tennis Number
World Tennis Number ('WTN') is an international real-time skill level rating for all tennis players. Its used to track player skill level based on actual performance. WTN is calculated and reported separately for Singles and Doubles.
For more information visit: https://www.worldtennisnumber.com
Ideally, there should only exist one WTN for a particular player for Singles and/or Doubles. There are two identifiers for WTNs.
Whenever a new account is created at USTA, a new account is created at ITF as well. If an account already exists at ITF, the existing Tennis Id is linked to the USTA account instead of creating a new account at ITF.
Identifier | Description |
UAID | USTA account number |
Tennis Id | ITF account number |
Update Frequency
WTNs are calculated once per week on Wed AM. Play activity submitted to USTA up to the prior week Friday is taken into account for the Wednesday calculation.
Play activity submitted after the Tues deadline will be figured into the following week calculation (week following contribution).
Play Activity Submission | Submitted by Tues 6pm EST |
WTN Calculation | Calculated 12AM Wed AM GMT |
Play Activity Figured Into Calculation | Played on date up through prior week Fri |
WTN is a number of statistics taken together to form a profile of performance.
Tennis Number, Confidence, Game Zone and Last Played are calculated and reported separately for Singles and Doubles.
Statistic | Description | Range |
Tennis Number | Skill rating (where 1 is the most skilled rating) | 40 - 1 |
Confidence Level | Number indicating how much play activity was taken into account when calculating the Tennis Number. (70 - 100 indicates most confident) | 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 |
Game Zone Upper | Number indicating the Tennis Number range of players that roughly match the skill rating of the player’s Tennis Number | 40 - 1 |
Rating Date | Date of calculation | YYYY-MM-DD |
Last Played | Last know competitive match submitted to ITF for inclusion in the calculation | YYYY-MM-DD |
UAID | USTA account number | N/A |
Tennis Id | ITF account number | N/A |
Pro Zone | Indicator if player is ITF or ATP rated | True/False |
Updated At | Internal use | N/A |
Source | Internal use | N/A |