Quick Reference: RankList Query

Quick Reference: RankList Query

Endpoint: POST {Host}/v1/dataexchange/rankings/list

Retrieve a published USTA rank list using division meta-data from the DEX Ranklist Catalog endpoint. The Ranklist API endpoint should be called first on order to get the proper meta-data to pass to the endpoint.

  • Rankings data is updated on a 15 minute interval. Newly published ranking lists will take 15 minutes to appear.

  • In order to search for a rank list, the constituent parts of the lookup criteria must be provided.

  • The uaids Object is used to look up a list of up to 128 UAIDs in a single request. More than 128 UAID's need multiple calls by the caller. (optional)

  • If asOfDate segment data is not passed, API will return the latest published list.

  • The asOfDate object which is used to retrieve lists for a specific publish date can be included in the request to return ranklists that are "before", "after" or "equal" to a publishDate.

  • If catalogId is passed return results corresponding to catalogId and publish date. Ignore all other selection criteria even if supplied. (optional)

  • if no publish date is passed with catalogId, the latest published results will be returned.

Authentication: Bearer Token

USTA will issue a Client Key / Secret for each partner with an included security scope. Calls can be made to https://stage-account.usta.com/oauth2/token to obtain a bearer token using OAuth2 client credentials.

Sample API Request



POST /v1/dataexchange/rankings/list HTTP/1.1 Host: stage-services.usta.com Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiO...AAui1o6N8w Content-Type: application/json { "selection" : { "playerType": "JUNIOR", "playerLevel": null, "ageRestriction": "y14", "ageRestrictionModifier": "UNDER", "rankListGender": "M", "listType": "standing" }, "asOfDate": { "publishDate": "2021-01-21", "modifier": "after" }, "filters": { "uaids": [ "2010641597", "2010747389" ] } }

Sample API Return


{ "playerType": "JUNIOR", "playerLevel": null, "ageRestriction": "y14", "ageRestrictionModifier": "UNDER", "rankListGender": "M", "listType": "STANDING", "matchFormat": null, "matchFormatType": null, "publishDate": "2021-04-27T15:24:23.959Z", "createdAt": "2021-04-27T15:24:26.217Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-27T15:28:54.655Z", "catalogId": "JUNIOR_NULL_M_STANDING_Y14_UNDER_NULL_NULL_NULL", "displayLabel": "Boys' 14 National Standings List (combined)", "totalCount": 2, "rankings": [ { "participants": [ { "uaid": "2010641597", "name": "Daniel Greene", "city": "Dover", "state": "MA", "section": "New England", "district": "Eastern Massachusetts" } ], "rank": 1, "record": { "win": 5, "loss": 0 }, "points": 1159, "pointsRecord": { "singlesPoints": 900, "doublesPoints": 0, "bonusPoints": 259 }, "trendDirection": "no change" }, { "participants": [ { "uaid": "2010747389", "name": "Jonah Chernett", "city": "Bloomfield Hills", "state": "MI", "section": "Midwest", "district": "S.E. Michigan" } ], "rank": 3, "record": { "win": 6, "loss": 0 }, "points": 788, "pointsRecord": { "singlesPoints": 540, "doublesPoints": 0, "bonusPoints": 248 }, "trendDirection": "no change" } ] }

Sample Postman Collection

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