Fetch A Player Limited Profile
Fetch A Player Limited Profile
You can lookup a USTA player profile limited information given a USTA uaid. API will provide first, last name, gender, year of birth, city and state.
This API can be called to fetch USTA player profile information.
GET https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/usta-service/customers/<UAID>/information/limited
GET https://stage-api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/usta-service/customers/<UAID>/information/limited
One player profile is returned per call.
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Player",
"gender": "MALE",
"yearOfBirth": "2002",
"addresses": [
"city": "Paramount",
"state": "CA"
Sample Curl
You must first retrieve an access token using Bound or Unbound method. See STAGE2 - OKTA Auth0 Client Integration Guide for more on how to request a token.
The following is a sample curl to retrieve a player membership status.
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW...
specifies the token that you retrieved using the https://account-ustaconnect.usta.com/oauth2/token endpoint.
curl --location 'https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/usta-service/customers/<UAID>/information/limited' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW...
, multiple selections available,
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