Fetch USTA Play History By Player

Fetch USTA Play History By Player


USTA provides limited access to play history

Scores are formated in an array of sets with the following format:

7, # Side 1 Games
6, # Side 2 Games
10, # Side 1 Tie Break Score
6 # Side 2 Tie Break Score



Production: POST https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/playhistory Stage: POST https://stage-api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/playhistory

Request Body

A USTA uaid and date range are required.

{ "selection": { "uaid": "2006874790", "fromDate": "2023-07-09", "toDate": "2024-02-25" }, "pagination": { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 1 } }

Response Body

{ "uaid": "2006874790", "player_name": "Thrxxx Laxxx", "events": [ { "eventId": "1009414975", "flightName": "Adult 40&Over", "level": "0.0", "name": "2023 Adult 40 & Over 3.0 - 5.0 - Weekend/5.0 Women (Open)", "displayName": "1009414975", "startDate": "2023-01-27", "endDate": "2023-05-07", "matchFormat": "SINGLES", "matchUrl": "https://tennislink.staging.usta.com/Leagues/Main/StatsAndStandings.aspx?t=R-17&search=1009414975", "url": "https://tennislink.staging.usta.com/Leagues/Main/StatsAndStandings.aspx?t=R-17&search=1009414975#&&s=4||0||90458||2023", "matchDate": "2023-04-02", "subFlightName": "5.0 Women (Open)", "eventType": "LEAGUE", "facility": { "name": "Overland Park Racquet Club", "addressLine1": "6800 W 91st St", "addressLine2": "", "city": "Overland Park", "state": "KS", "zipcode": "66212" }, "matchStatus": "Defaulted", "matchStatusCode": "DEF", "itf_matchup_id": "", "captain": "Jackie Gehrke", "coCaptain": "", "rounds": [ { "eventId": "1009414975", "positionOfPlay": "1S", "positionOfPlayDisplay": "1S", "playerName": "Thrxxx Laxxx", "teamName": "Gehrke, Jackie", "teamCaptain": "Jackie Gehrke", "teamCoCaptain": "", "opponentTeamName": "Fabrizius, Deborah", "matchStatus": "Defaulted", "matchStatusCode": "DEF", "outcome": "W", "ustaScore": [ [ 6, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 6, 0, 0, 0 ] ], "opponentsName": "", "opponents": [] } ] } ], "pagination": { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 1, "totalPages": 33, "totalResults": 33 } }

Sample Curl

You must first retrieve an access token using Bound or Unbound method. See STAGE2 - OKTA Auth0 Client Integration Guide for more on how to request a token.

The following is a sample curl illustrating the contribution of a doubles matchup.


--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW...

specifies the token that you retrieved using the https://account-ustaconnect.usta.com/oauth2/token endpoint.

curl --location 'https://api-ustaconnect.usta.com/v1/api-public/playhistory' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraW... --data '{ "selection": { "uaid": "2006874790", "fromDate": "2000-07-09", "toDate": "2024-07-10" }, "pagination": { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 1 } }


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