File-Based Individual Booking Contributions
The purpose of this feed is to gather the number of court bookings, lessons and events per individually named person on a specific date. The intent is to gather counts for each category to build demographics around how many bookings are made.
Participants contribute per person per event bookings for a number of key metrics.
Please escape any special characters such as embedded quotes with a '\' (backslash) before including it in any field in the file. See Special Characters
File Submission Attributes
The following criteria applies to the data submissions
Attribute | Detail |
Frequency | Monthly |
Timeframe to included | <Start Of Month> through <End Of Month> |
Inclusion Criteria | Only US Zipcodes should be included in 5 digit format |
Effective Start/End Dates | Should be based on start_datetime/enddatetime |
Contribution Grain | player_lname |
File Name Convention
Player files use the following naming convention
SOURCENAME: The contributor name assigned by USTA.
YYYYMMDD: Effective date of contribution
Column Definitions
The following table lists the fields and formats.
Field | Sample Value | Required Y/N | Description |
source_name | CLUBSPARK | Y | Contributor code assigned by USTA |
booking_external_id | 12345678 | Y | Contributor internal system Id |
created_on | 10/18/2022 11:15 AM | Y | Contribution datetime |
created_by | Kim Desdunes | Y | Contribution preparer email address |
start_date_time | 10/18/2022 11:15 AM | Y | court bookings, lesson |
end_date_time | 10/18/2022 11:15 AM | Y | court bookings, lesson |
player_uaid | 2018123456 | N | USTA id |
player_external_id | 2018123456 | N | Contribution external player id |
player_lname | Smith | Y | Player Last Name |
player_fname | John | Y | Player First Name |
player_birthdate | 2000-01-01 | N | Player Birthdate |
player_gender | M | N | MALE/FEMALE |
player_zipcode | 10536 | N | 5 digit code |
player_addr1 | 1 Oak Street | N | String |
player_addr2 | Suite C | N | String |
player_city | Anytown | N | String |
player_state | NY | N | 2 digit state code |
player_zip | 10019 | N | 5 digit zipcode |
facility_name | Saw Mill Club | Y | String |
facility_external_id | 2018123456 | N | Contributor unique id for facility |
facility_id | 2018123456 | N | USTA id for facility |
facility_addr1 | 1 Oak Street | Y | String |
facility_city | Anytown | Y | String |
facility_state | NY | Y | String |
facility_zip | 10019 | Y | 5 digit code |
facility_total_no_of_tennis_courts | 10 | Y | Total number of courts at facility |
facility_total_no_of_pickelball_courts | 0 | Y | Total number of courts at facility |
facility_total_no_of_padel_courts | 0 | Y | Total number of courts at facility |
event_type | LESSON | Y | COURT/LESSON/EVENT |
event_name | Mixer Round Robin | N | String |
event_external_id | 2018123456 | N | Contributor unique id for event |
court_fee | 5.00 | N | Fee to book court (if any) |
event_fee | 100.00 | N | Fee to book event or lesson (if any) |
instructor_lname | McSporty | N | Coach last name |
instructor_fname | Tad | N | Coach first name |
instructor_birthdate | 2000-01-01 | N | YYYY-MM-DD |
instructor_gender | M | N | MALE/FEMALE |
instructor_zipcode | 10019 | N | 5 digit zipcode |
instructor_addr1 | 1 Main Street | N | String |
instructor_addr2 | Building 2 | N | String |
instructor_city | Anytown | N | String |
instructor_state | NY | N | 2 digit state code |
instructor_zipcode | 10019 | N | 5 digit zipcode |
instructor_external_id | ABC12345 | N | Contributor unique id for coach |
instructor_uaid | 2018654321 | N | USTA id for coach |
INDIVIDUAL-BOOKINGS-[Source Name]-[Effective Date]
Effective Date: 2024-06-30
ACTION_SPORTS,12345678,TENNIS,10/18/2022 11:15 AM,Kim Desdunes,10/18/2022 11:15 AM,10/18/2022 11:15 AM,2018123456,2018123456,Smith,John,2000-01-01,M,10536,1 Oak Street,Suite C,Anytown,NY,10019,Saw Mill Club,2018123456,2018123456,1 Oak Street,Suite C,Anytown,NY,10019,LESSON,Mixer Round Robin,2018123456,5,100,McSporty,Tad,2000-01-01,M,10019,1 Main Street,Building 2,Anytown,NY,10019,ABC12345,2018654321
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