USTA Connect API Portal

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Welcome to the USTA Connect API Portal!

The USTA Connect API is the premiere source of data describing the Tennis ecosystem, participants, play activity, WTN and NTRP ratings, rankings and statistics.  Access to this data can be yours. 

File-based data interchange is organzed around S3. Partners have their choice of using the USTA Connect Portal UI or implement your own automated file exchange to drop or pick up files.

The API is organized around REST. It supports OAuth 2 for login and authentication and provides a token-based security model. Both SSO and Machine to Machine modes are supported.

Contact your USTA representative at for details.

Data Offering

USTA Connect combines data from participating partners. Data poiints are captured by zipcode and aggregated to give unique insight into the tennis ecosystem.







NEED Access?

Credentials must be issued by USTA prior to accessing the API.  Send email to to request access.