You can lookup a USTA player profile given a USTA uaid. Player profiles contain indentifying fields and ratings.
Tne player profile should be called on demand rather than storing the profile within your apdplication. Data within the profile changes frequently and can become stale quickly.
WTN tennisNumbers are published on Wed am UTC as reflected by the ratingDate field. Only the most recently recorded WTN will be returned for each play type. WTNs corresponding to Singles and Doubles could correspond to different ratingDates if the player has not recorded play activity.
There are some key points to note about display of WTNs. When a tennisNumber is calculated, there is a confidence level assigned to it indicating low/medium/high confidence. There are many factors that go into the confidence rating such as frequency of play and how recently the player has recorded a score.
Each WTN is distributed with a confidence level indicating low/medium/high confidence that the tennisNumber reflects the current level of player.
Confidence Level
Confidence levels are recorded in increments of 10 and bucketed into low/medium/high categories. Each application needs to decide how to indicate whether a tennisNumber is supported by confidence level or not.
10, 20, 30
40, 50, 60
70, 80, 90, 100
ITF TennisId
TennisId is the unique identifier for a player within ITF. UAID is the unique identifier within USTA. Client applications can choose to display tennisId and deep link into ITF’s public website which shows additional information about a player. There are no credentials required to access the ITF website. It is open to all.